Entries by Kate Hodge

Mallee Dunefields of the Murray-Darling Basin

Dunefields extend over most of the south-west Murray-Darling Basin. The dunes and their soils have shaped the vegetation, land use and history of the region. They are wind-blown sands that derive from the underlying Parilla Formation. Parilla Sand About 50 million years ago, as Australia was separating from Antarctica, the Murray Basin formed as a […]

Why does the Murray Shrink Downstream of Echuca?

The River Murray channel becomes substantially smaller as it flows downstream of Echuca towards Swan Hill. The reason is that the Central Murray is an anastomosing system where flow is shared between a number of interconnected, adjacent channels. The three principal channels in this region are the River Murray, the Edward River and Wakool River. […]

The Wirrengren Plain

The Wirrengren Plain is the last lake into which the Wimmera River flows. It is remote – located deep within the Big Desert – and rarely visited. It has been dry for over 140 years. The Wimmera is a usually a small river, winding through the low-rainfall cropping country of western Victoria. It drains the […]